NLIC By-Laws

Revised: Sept. 15, 2003 & Mar. 18, 2003 & Jan. 21, 2004 & Jan. 6, 2005, Nov. 13, 2006, Nov. 17, 2010, & March 2, 2016

Preamble: The Northern Lights Interagency Council (IC) was created through the consolidation of the Interagency Early Intervention Committee (IEIC) and the Northern Lights Community Transition Interagency Committee (NLCTIC). The merger of these mandated interagency organizations arose as a natural outcome of their shared demographics, purpose, goals, personnel and populations served. The merger was fostered by the wish of both interagency organizations to provide continuous and consistent services for students with disabilities and their families from the time of the child's birth through high school graduation.

Article 1: Name of the Organization

The official name for the joint IEIC/CTIC shall be the Northern Lights Interagency Council. For convenience, it will be referred to within this document as the “IC” (Interagency Council).

Article 2: Purpose

The purpose of the IC is to provide eligible children with disabilities and their families with a coordinated, multi-disciplinary, interagency, intervention services system that is family-centered, community based and culturally competent.

Article 3: Goals

Section 3-1 The goals of the Interagency Council are as follows:

A. Identify children and their families within our geographic area who are in need of interagency services.

B. Work toward establishing and monitoring a system of service coordination to include referral, evaluation, intake, and the development of multi-agency programming.

C. Identify current services and funding sources available to children, to students and to their families.

D. Make available to any individual or group, the eligibility criteria, scope of services, program limits, and specific contact person(s) for each program that provides services for the population served by the IC.

E. Review and comment as needed on the interagency section of the total special education system for each school district, on each county social service plan, and the section of the county community health services plan that addresses needs and services targeted to eligible children with disabilities.

F. Educate the public regarding children/students with disabilities, the needs of their families and of the programs available in the communities served by IC.

G. Disseminate up-to-date information concerning grant applications, legislation, research, and best practice methodologies and seek to encourage collaborative projects among member agencies and/or other programs.

H. Engage in activities that promote knowledge and skill development in children with disabilities and their families as they move through the educational system to independent living within their community.

I. Work toward improving the services to children/youth with disabilities and their families by providing materials, instruction and skill development.

Section 3-2 Due to specific duties identified in legislation, the standing committees IEIC and CTIC may identify additional or related goals that address the needs of the specific populations they serve.

Article 4: Population Served

Children and youth with disabilities as defined by Federal Statutes:

Section 4-1 Children/youth birth through twenty-one years who meet Minnesota state special education criteria for the following disability categories:

Autism Spectrum Disorder

  1. Deaf-Blind

  2. Deaf and Hard of Hearing

  3. Developmental Adaptive Physical Education

  4. Developmental Cognitive Disability (mild-moderate, severe-profound)

  5. Developmental Delay (Early Childhood Special Education)

  6. Emotional or Behavioral Disorder

  7. Other Health Disabilities

  8. Physically Disabled

  9. Severely Multiply Impaired

  10. Specific Learning Disability

  11. Speech or Language Impairment

  12. Traumatic Brain Injury

  13. Visually Impaired

Section 4-2 The geographic area served by the IC includes:

District Number
Barnum ISD #91 Carlton
Carlton ISD #93 Carlton
Cloquet ISD #94 Carlton
Cromwell ISD #95 Carlton
Esko ISD #99 Carlton
Hermantown ISD #700 St. Louis
McGregor ISD #004 Aitkin
Moose Lake ISD #97 Carlton
Proctor ISD # 704 St. Louis
Silver Bay ISD #381 Lake
Two Harbors ISD #381 Lake
Willow River ISD #577 Pine
Wrenshall ISD #100 Carlton

Section 4-3 Other public and private organizations will service children/youth with disabilities and their families according to their programs' eligibility criteria and guidelines.

Article 5: Membership

Section 5-1 Membership will be the joint memberships of the Interagency Early Intervention Committee (IEIC) and the Community Transition Interagency Committee (CTIC) and shall seek to include mandated representatives from:

  • Special Education (mandated CTIC & IEIC)
  • Regular Education (mandated CTIC & IEIC)
  • Career and Technical Education (mandated CTIC)
  • Community Education
  • Post-secondary Education (mandated CTIC)
  • Adult with a disability who has received transition services
  • Local Business or Industry
  • Rehabilitation Services (mandated CTIC)
  • County Social Services (mandated CTIC & IEIC)
  • Health Agencies (mandated CTIC & IEIC)
  • Additional Public or Private Services Providers (mandated CTIC & IEIC)
  • County Boards
  • School Boards
  • Center for Independent Living (mandated CTIC)
  • Early Childhood Family Education Programs
  • Parents of youth (under 12) with a disability (mandated IEIC)
  • Head Start (mandated IEIC)
  • Public Mental Health (mandated IEIC & CTIC)
  • Corrections/Probation

Membership may also include representatives from other private or public agencies as well as families and consumer groups.

Section 5-2 Terms of Membership shall be a minimum of one year, from July 1 through June 30. Each agency shall be requested to appoint a representative to serve a one year term on the IC. Contact for appointment may be made by any current IC member. Formal invitation and provision of welcome materials will be the responsibility of the IC secretary.

Article 6: Officers of the IC

Section 6-1 Officers shall be:

  1. Chairperson

  2. Co-Chairperson

  3. Secretary

  4. Treasurer

Section 6-2 Terms of Office

The terms of office for the Chair and Co-chairpersons shall be for one year beginning July 1 and concluding June 30. Following her/his one year term, the Co-chair shall assume the Office of Chair Person. Chair and Co-chairpersons shall alternate between school and non-school agency members. The treasurer shall be the business manager of the Northern Lights Special Education Cooperative. The term of secretary is for one year, but upon a simple majority agreement of the membership, an individual may serve multiple, consecutive terms.

Section 6-3 Selection of Officers

The choice of a new co-chair and secretary shall occur during the May meeting. If only a single individual is nominated for either office, approval will be by a simple majority agreement by the membership. In the event of multiple nominations, a ballot vote will be taken and the candidate receiving the most votes shall be approved by the membership.

Section 6-4 Officer Vacancies.

Secretary: Vacancies in office of secretary shall be filled by appointment of the Chairperson. The replacement will serve until the next regular election of officers.

Chairperson: In the event that the vacancy is the Chairperson, the Co-chair shall assume the responsibilities of Chair for the remainder of the term and will have the option of serving a consecutive term in that office.

Co-Chair: In the event that the vacancy is the office Co-Chair, a replacement will be selected by nomination of the membership. The new co-chair will be from the same either school or non-school category as the individual whom they are replacing. S/he shall serve until the Chairperson's term in office is complete at which time, s/he will become the Chair.

Section 6-5 Duties of Officers


  1. Preside over regular meetings and any special meetings as required.

  2. Prepare meeting agendas, review drafts of minutes and insure timely notification of meetings.

  3. As necessary, appoint standing committee and ad hoc committee members.

  4. Fill temporary vacancies in the office of secretary.

  5. Serve as a member of the Finance Committee


  1. Assist the Chair with her/his duties.

  2. In the absence of the Chair, preside over regular meetings.

  3. Assume the office of Chair at the conclusion of the Co-Chair term or in the event of a mid-term vacancy by the Chair.

  4. Serve as a member of the Finance Committee


  1. Provide membership with meeting notification and proposed agenda.

  2. Record, edit and e-mail to membership the minutes of the regular IC meetings.

  3. Maintain accurate membership rosters and attendance records for IC meetings.

  4. If necessary, prepare a ballot of nominated candidates for offices for the May IC meeting.

  5. Maintain, with the assistance of the Northern Lights Special Education Cooperative, permanent records of the IC including, but not limited to agendas, minutes, bylaws and historical information.


  1. Maintain all financial information/records for the IEIC and CTIC under the auspice of the IC.

  2. Serve as a member of the Finance Committee

  3. Provide technical assistance on financial matters related to the activities of the IC

Article 7: Organization of Committees

Section 7-1 Sub-committees

Sub-committees needed to carry out the goals and objectives of the IC will meet as frequently as necessary to accomplish their activities. Each sub-committee shall elect a chairperson who will determine meeting agendas, appoint an individual to prepare a summary report on the committee's activities, set meeting dates, and facilitate the meetings.

A. Steering Committee

  • Minimum membership:
  • Director of the Northern Lights Special Education Cooperative
  • Chairperson of the Northern Lights Interagency Council
  • Co-Chairperson of the Northern Lights Interagency Council
  • Chairpersons of the Interagency Council's sub committees
  • Business Manager of the Northern Lights Special Education Cooperative
  • Optional members:
  • Superintendent(s) from the Northern Lights Special Education Cooperative
  • County Director of designee from each of the five counties
  • Responsibilities:
  • Meet a minimum of four times annually
  • Compile an annual work plan based on subcommittee plans

B. Secondary Transitions/Work Based Learning Committee

  • Minimum membership may include:
  • One representative from each of the following: Center for Independent Living, County Human Services, Post-secondary Education, Public Health, Public Schools, Vocational Rehab Services, Employers of students with disabilities, Work Experience Coordinator, and High School Special Education Teacher, Children's Mental Health and Family Services Collaborative, and provider community member.
  • Responsibilities:
  • For one IC meeting, identify and arrange a training presentation related to committee initiatives
  • Identify needs for students and families related to secondary transition and work experience
  • Arrange activities to address identified needs by the providing of information or skill development opportunities.
  • Create and disseminate informational and educational materials to students and families related to successful transition to post high school living
  • Advise, assist and advocate for quality work based educational programming
  • Increase community awareness of work based learning and work experience programs
  • Promote work experience programs to civic and service groups
  • Meet a minimum of two times annually

C. Public Awareness Committee

  • Minimum membership:
  • Representatives from IEIC committee.
  • Responsibilities:
  • For one IC meeting, identify and arrange a training presentation related to committee initiatives
  • Review of available assessment data in order to determine educational and informational needs of the population served by the IC
  • Create and implement activities and strategies for fulfilling the identified needs
  • Plan and implement activities to assist in the identification, service, and understanding of children/youth with disabilities
  • Meet a minimum of two times annually

D. Parent Advisory and Family Support

  • Minimum membership:
  • 50% must be parents of children with a disability
  • At least one parent of a non-public school (private or homeschool)
  • Responsibilities:
  • For at least one IC meetings, identify and arrange training presentation related to any IC goals or initiatives
  • Annually, determine priorities related to identify needs and compose the student/family support plan
  • Design, implement and evaluate student and family support activitie
  • Advise on local policy and the decision-makers on special education issue
  • Meet a minimum of two times annually

E. Finance Committee

  • Minimum membership:
  • Director of the Northern Lights Special Education Cooperative
  • IC Treasurer
  • IC Chairperson
  • IC Co-Chairperson
  • Each sub-committee chair.
  • Responsibilities
  • Meet a minimum of three times annually
  • Review and approve activities supported by the Federal Flow Through dollars
  • Develop the budget for the allocation of federal funds
  • Present the budget to the Northern Lights Special Education Cooperative Board
  • Budget approval requirements
  • The Federal Flow Through budget items require the approval of the Northern Lights Special Education Cooperative Board

Section 7-2 Ad Hoc Committees

Ad Hoc Committees needed to carry out the goals and objectives of the IC shall be appointed by the sub-committee chairpersons or by vote of the membership. The ad hoc committees shall be recognized until the designated work of the committee has been completed.

Article 8: Procedures for the IC

Section 8-1 Frequency of Regular Meetings

The IC shall meet at least four times during the course of the year at a time and place designated by the Chairperson.

Section 8-2 Order of business

The following shall be the agenda items for IC meetings:

  1. Call to order by chairperson

  2. Review of secretary's minutes of the previous meeting and approve or correct

  3. Introductions and communications

  4. Determination of the next meeting site, date, possible agenda and location

  5. Sub-committee reports

  6. Review of goals and old business

  7. New business

  8. Other business and/or items from the floor

  9. Annually, report of Follow Along data by counties

  10. Adjournment

Section 8-3 Decisions

Decisions will be made by a simple majority of the members present at the meeting.

Suggested Appendices

Minnesota Statute 125.023 --Coordinated Interagency Services

Minnesota Statute 125A.30--Interagency early intervention committee

Minnesota Statute 125A.027--Interagency early intervention committee responsibilities

Minnesota Statute 125A.33--Service Coordination

MnSIC handout, 2002--14 Services and Programs to be coordinated

Minn Statute re CTIC--Community Transition Interagency Committee

CTIC goals

EIEC goals

Summary of Agency services, eligibility requirements and contact person